Medical Software for Doctors using Psion Epoc

The best miniature medical computers for doctors on the planet.

Psion Epoc medical sites and software for doctors and hospital administration.

I don't know enough about medical practice to evaluate these (and doctors move from this area too frequently for me to get much background from local doctors). However I figure it is a sufficiently specialist area that it should be on its own page.

Kimo Hirayama. Quick entry of clinical notes. Manage outpatients, and automate letter writing. Freeform entry in SOAP format. Plug in scripts for faster pen entry.
Client L
Client management for professionals.
Automatic text entry in many applications. 45k zip. This one actually seems pretty handy for many purposes. See also RMR AutoText, etc. for similar products.
Critical Care Calculator - medical program
David Cohen wrote it, and it is freeware from
Diabetes Manager
DiabetesManager is updated to version 2.20 (English and German). Now different time-action-profiles of several insulins can be selected, created, and modified. Medical program by Klaus Stahl
Drug DB
Based on Alder Hey Formulary available from locked website
Drugs Database
Jason Wolfe. The full version of this database includes details of every drug in the BNF, alongwith its Indications, Side Effects, Cautions, Contra-indications, Interactions, Doses, Modes of Action and Pharmacokinetics / Pharmacodynamics.
Friend Indeed
Personal information storage and analysis. Store blood sugar, blood pressure, pulse, vehicle mileage, etc. Medical appointments. Graph. ITIL shareware $35.
Track BG level, insulin on daily basis, calculate calories needed. For patients. Graphical display of records. Shareware US$19 from ITIL.
Jason Wolfe
Various free medical software and databases, plus good medical links. A short version of MediNotes, the Drugs database above, Muscle lists all the muscles in the body with details, Clerking a patient, and ATLS exam. Some Psion 3 programs for patient records. Also a large collection of cartoons of medical humour.
Store workout data and analyse it over a period. Trainer hints. BMI. Flexibility. Graphs. Workout data. BMI. From ITIL, India. Shareware $35. Test Report: Seemed difficult to use, and I got lost in their non-standard on screen menu items, with very little in common with other Psion menu systems. Puts critical files on C: drive, unable to find when moved from S5mx D: to S7 E: I think I'd prefer to use a spreadsheet instead. Not Recommended Tested:
Essentially a big medical calculator, hundreds of calculations. 60k zip.
Large database of medical information.
Medical practice patient and visit records, etc. Publistix site now missing.
A new venture from Inchware who are beta testing software to put the equivalent of the "a portable formulary" on your handheld... Formerly at
Orthopaedic DBs
Orthopaedic DBs. Unable to confirm site.
For medical applications and databases, Palmaris is a great start for shareware for doctors. Medikit does hundreds of medical calculations. Client L (Ward 5) patient and client management system for any professional. QCite to organise, browse and add notes to MedLine downloads. Codex for data entry across multiple applications (non-medical uses also). sLog surgical specialty training logbook. MCQ5 multiple choice exam questions. CMELog to track professional development hours. PdbRead to use Palm databases. Chartnotes for managing outpatients and automate letter writing. MediNotes database, etc.
View Palm Pilot files on your EPOC machine, with PdbRead Have you ever felt envious of your Palm-carrying colleagues, with the tons of free databases which they can download from the Net? Cheer up - Palmaris Medical have released PdbRead, a new application by Shane McKee which allows EPOC users to view many of the most commonly used Palm file formats. JFile, MobileDB, HanDBase data, MemoPad, LISTdb - all can be viewed with PdbRead. Use pdbRead to convert the files to the EPOC Data format so you can edit. 30k zip.
Jason Penfold's freeware patient information system for GPs. Temporary store of patient information while on call. Manage a drug database for your bag, track reorders. Databases of haemattology and biochemistry values, and medical calculators.
Pregnancy Tracker
ITIL. Due date, diet and exercise, reminnders.
By Dr David Henshaw. The only dedicated reference management for Psion, and allows you to download scientific and medical references from internet sources such as Medline and Entrez. Qcite can now export to and import from popular PC-based reference packages such as EndNote and Reference Manager. Qcite is the ultimate tool for evidence based medicine, clinical governance, and medical/scientific research. Shareware.
Shareware. Surgical logbook solution for medical professionals. Operative procedures. Patient details. CME. Publications. Presentations. Hospital runs. Special clinics. Once the data has been entered, a variety of reports can be produced, exported, imported and merged. All surgical specialties, medical students and junior doctors are catered to with compliance to Specialist Advisory Committee and Surgical College guidelines. Shareware.
By Dr Shane McKee is the most versatile, brain-friendly, and productivity-enhancing medical patient management program yet written for a PDA. It features a unique "Virtual Ward" layout, and flexible output templates, which allow you to generate referral and discharge letters, as well as handover lists and even HTML pages. Version 3.12 extends the configurability of the screen, and includes optimisation for the Psion Revo and Series 7 EPOC machines - one size now fits all EPOC PDAs. Shareware.

This site will look much better in a browser that supports W3C web standards but it is accessible to any browser or internet device, including Psion Web and similar PDA or limited browsers. Netscape 4.x users - turn Style Sheets off. Your style sheet support is too broken to use (sorry). -> epoc -> software sites -> medical

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