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Whitsunday Sites

Local internet sites about Airlie Beach

Internet sites that relate to Airlie Beach and area. Just some starting points, very incomplete, and not checked all that often.

Airlie Beach Australia - Gateway to the Whitsunday's
Get information on Airlie Beach and the popular activities you can do there on holiday. Also find comprehensive travel and accommodation advice as well as business listings from this beautiful town in the Whitsunday's, Queensland.
Hog's Breath Travel
A useful travel and bookings site, run by the Hog's Breath Cafe chain, which was founded and is headquartered in Airlie Beach.
Internet Whitsunday
The local ISP carries many, if not most, of the Airlie Beach businesses that are on-line or have a web site.
Ray Blackwood's detailed Whitsunday History
Extracts and extensions to a most comprehensive history of the Whitsunday area. Great starting point for anyone wanting an idea of the history of the area.
An informative site with detailed descriptions of many sailing trips and other tourist interests. Looks like it is expanding from a well organised base.
Associated with, covers sailing, bareboat yachting, diving and accommodation options available.
Nigel and Julie Poole's old Whitsunday FAQs
Nigel and Julie Poole's wonderful Whitsunday News

Not responding when checked in Nov 2001 or June 2003. I'll try to locate a new address.

The Whitsunday Shire council seat, an interesting and typical country town, and the closest main airport.
Peter Faust Dam
Also known as Lake Proserpine, a pretty camping site, with fine fishing. This excellent site with full access maps is by the Faust Dam Fish Stocking Association.
The Whitsundays
Extensive information and booking site.
Whitsunday Internet
The local ISP carries many, if not most, of the Airlie Beach businesses that are on-line or have a web site.
Whitsunday Terraces (resort location)
Flyer for the resort where we live.
Whitsunday Terraces (resort location)
Old flyer for the resort where we live.
Whitsunday Times newspaper
The local newspaper site. Now also an ISP, under the Quiknet francise.
My Airlie Beach home page
The index to all my pages about Airlie Beach, and the number of pages does increase.

Sites about Airlie Beach and surroundings by non-locals

Walkabout travel guide
Not local, but some interesting tourist material is usually available.
Whitsunday Portal
Tourism and information guide by a Gold Coast based outfit.

Eventually I'll have pointers to lots more Airlie Beach and Whitsunday sites here. For now, this is a placeholder.

One interesting point about web sites these days is that few of them appear to check whether they are producing valid HTML code when they write the site. I don't think this is very professional. It might work this year with IE, but if browsers change, it equally might break. I provide URLs to these sites, but no longer link to invalid pages.

I hope you have enjoyed If you have corrections
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